5th Annual Conference
The conference this year will be on the 17th November 2011 at the Grosvenor Hilton Hotel, Edinburgh


2010 e-Assessment Conference and Exhibition in Scotland

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Delivering the benefits of Innovation and Technology

Why Attend?
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Scenes from Conference]
Conference Objectives]
[Why Attend?]
Download Brochure]
Scotland 2011 Conference]
2009 Conference]

Registration Fee: £225 per delegate + VAT
   (total £258.75)
Discounted fee for Schools and Colleges: £190 per delegate + VAT
   (total £218.50)

The Challenge Taken Up by the Conference

We have been working with SQA on this series of annual conferences for five years and this, the fifth conference, promises to be the most exciting and rewarding yet.

Scotland has been at the forefront of developing and implementing learning and training that is assessed using the latest IT and ICT techniques and technologies.

The range of options and solutions in the marketplace is growing rapidly. For those selecting, implementing or using computer based assessment (in all its forms) this is challenging and the change management processes, daunting.

There is an increasing expectation by students, employees, assessors and government that the technology will be available to use in a secure, robust and fit for purpose manner.

As new technologies develop, the initial e-Assessment ideas are also being replaced by ideas that take assessment further away from its traditional forms

Who Attended

Central/Regional Government, Education Agencies & Local Authorities

Senior Managers at Schools, Colleges and Training Providers

Senior Managers from Training and Human Resources

Education, Training and Qualification Policy Makers

Awarding Bodies and Assessment Providers

Trainers and e-Learning Publishers

School Heads and Deputes

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[WELCOME] [Programme] [Speakers] [Why Attend?] [Location] [Contact] [Scenes from Conference] [Download Brochure] [AssessmentTomorrow] [Scotland 2011 Conference]

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and click here to learn MORE ABOUT Assessment Tomorrow the company

 For the latest developments in e-Assessment and computer based testing and assessment
The e-Assessment-Question
10th annual conference
21st and 22nd March 2012 at the America Square Conference Centre, London
click here to find out more about this exciting event

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for information on sponsoring click here

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(c) Designed and built by
Jeff Ross @
Broxbourne Solutions


Platinum Sponsor

Key sponsors           

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SQA was pleased to sponsor the 2010 Assessment Tomorrow conference

key sponsors

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for information on sponsoring click here

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