5th Annual Conference
The conference this year will be on the 17th November 2011 at the Grosvenor Hilton Hotel, Edinburgh


2010 e-Assessment Conference and Exhibition in Scotland

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Delivering the benefits of Innovation and Technology

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Scotland 2011 Conference]
2009 Conference]

Registration Fee: £225 per delegate + VAT
   (total £258.75)
Discounted fee for Schools and Colleges: £190 per delegate + VAT
   (total £218.50)

0930 Welcome and Opening Address - Chair: Prof. Cliff Beevers OBE, Heriot Watt University

0935 The Development of e-Assessment – The Landscape in Scotland

    Keynote opening address: Dr Gill Stewart, Director of Qualifications Development, SQA

    Development of the National Assessment Resource, Norman Emerson, Assessment Programme Director, Learning and Teaching Scotland

    Linda Steedman, e-com Scotland

1100 Coffee Break

1115 Technologies for Assessment of Skills and Knowledge

    Bob Gomersall, Chair, BTL

    Christine Merrell, CEM, Durham University

    Gavin Cooney, Learnosity

    Morning review and Comments on e-Assessment, Chair

1245 Lunch

1345 Good Practice and Experience - case studies and projects from Scottish education

    Highland Education Authority (speaker to be confirmed)

    Denis Saunders, Calibrand

    Matt Wingfield, TAG Developments

1445 Tea Break

1500 Meeting the expectations of Learners, Schools, Colleges and the Workplace

    Prof. Philip John, SCHOLAR Programme, Heriot-Watt University and Dr Helen Ashton, Heriot Watt University

    Martyn Ware, e-Assessment Manager, SQA

1600   Closing Address and closure – Chair

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 For the latest developments in e-Assessment and computer based testing and assessment
The e-Assessment-Question
10th annual conference
21st and 22nd March 2012 at the America Square Conference Centre, London
click here to find out more about this exciting event

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Jeff Ross @
Broxbourne Solutions


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SQA was pleased to sponsor the 2010 Assessment Tomorrow conference

key sponsors

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